
A Guide To The Best Summer Tyres


A Guide To The Best Summer Tyres

There is so much choice out there nowadays! So where do you start?! Long gone are the days where one road tyre for the summer does it all. It is all about certain key aspects of the tyre and varying factors that give you the most from your tyre.

2017-05-24 13:17:23By

A Guide to Summer Road Bike Wheels


A Guide to Summer Road Bike Wheels

Choosing the right wheels can be one of the hardest things. Pondering over how many wheelsets you need, what wheels could do it all? If you can manage with one set? Or if you simply have to specialise! It seems like you need wheels for every occasion, every weather condition and every discipline!

2017-05-18 16:23:49By

10 Ways to help you train for a Marathon


10 Ways to help you train for a Marathon

Summer is pretty much here and that means marathon season is here too! That means training has to be underway. A lot of us may choose to run a marathon for a charity or just because it is your chosen sport.

2017-05-15 13:14:51By

How do the Pros lead out sprinters?


How do the Pros lead out sprinters?

The winners of bike races are quite often decided by a sprint finish, and surprisingly it's not all about the rider that comes over the finish line first. Without the help of his teammates, they couldn't execute the perfect finish.

2017-04-18 12:48:15By

Does Caffeine Boost Performance?


Does Caffeine Boost Performance?

Ahh Coffee... as cyclists we love coffee! Weather it's the taste, the performance enhancing qualities, the social aspect of it or the smell. Whatever the reason, coffee has some very, very interesting facts.

2017-04-07 13:54:58By

How to  Change an Inner Tube: 10 Simple Steps


How to Change an Inner Tube: 10 Simple Steps

There are two solutions to a flat tyre. You can either patch it up in the workshop, or you can simply change and replace your inner tube. The latter is much quicker and easier, especially if you need a fix mid-ride!

2017-04-07 10:43:03By Elizabeth Demetriou

How To Choose The Best Cycling Sunglasses


How To Choose The Best Cycling Sunglasses

Whether you're a commuter or a stage racer, a great pair of cycling sunglasses are essential for any cyclist. In this article, we take look at the key features found in the best cycling sunglasses and recommend some of our favourite pairs.

2017-03-22 10:19:48By ProBikeKit

Noisy bike: Where is the noise coming from?


Noisy bike: Where is the noise coming from?

2017-03-21 13:47:36By

When to change your bike tyres


When to change your bike tyres

At the risk of stating the obvious, without tyres your bike simply does not run! No matter what tech bling you have on it and how light you have managed to get it. Even £1000 wheels don't run without tyres on them. So you could say it is quite important to make sure your tyres are in good condition and do the job

2017-03-14 16:19:34By

8 Tips on How to Ride in a Group


8 Tips on How to Ride in a Group

So you are a keen cyclist and are now looking to take part in your first race, join a club or attend a local reliability ride, but are nervous about the amount of riders that will be around you you may want a few tips and pointers on how you the etiquette of the cycling world.

2017-03-07 16:33:12By