
Top 5 Halloween Cycling Horror Stories


Since it’s Halloween we thought we would bring you some of the scariest things you will see or do on a bike! If you’re not easily scared then some of these may just make you cower!

  1. Cyclist gets chased by an ostrich

    Is this a horror story or just funny?! When a Cyclist gets chased by an ostrich. Run!


  2. Brumotti

    This may not be horror but trying something anywhere near this at home would certainty scare us to death. No thanks, think we will leave this to the professional stun man that is Mr Brumotti.

  3. The Death Road, Bolivia

    So it’s not as bad as it sounds honest! If you want to scare yourself silly, the death road of Bolivia is renowned for being the world most terrifying road. The 40 mile road has heart stopping sheer cliffs and deadly corners. Having said this it is a huge tourist attraction for many cyclists and if you are a adrenaline junkie then this should be on your bucket list!


  4. Spooky - 24 hour races

    Have you tried one of these? Riding in the dark through the woods can be quite a scary experience!  The adrenaline starts  pumping, you see shadows making strange shapes you hear sounds you wouldn’t normally here, whats worst is,  you cant see whats behind you! Some events will purposely put scary features on around the course to scare you – it’s one sure way to make you faster!

  5. The spookiest place to cycle

    Red Bull Rampage is back and this first 18 seconds is enough to scare anyone half to death!

If we have missed the obvious please share them with us on Twitter and Facebook and use the #YourRide



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